Seriously... how cute is she? |
It was hard to narrow it down, but I went with what my students were needing right now... help with time to the hour and half-hour!
Getting ready to post these around the room for the scavenger hunt! |
The kids loved the scavenger hunt and walking around the room with their clipboards and recording sheets! So much fun!
Here's one of my firsties working hard on her flip book. They really loved doing this and I was expecting lots of cutting mishaps but they SURPRISED me and completed them perfectly!
We started working on our clock craftivity that is included.... and the writing component was awesome. Some of their responses made me chuckle. Like the one below (BFFs @ recess... very important!)
As an added bonus, there are posters included that have digital and analog clocks... so cute and colorful. I am going to keep these up all year long to be a reminder to the kiddos! She did a great blog post about this unit with even more pictures of it in action. Want to see more... check out her blog post!!!
So... RUN... don't walk to Amanda's blog by clicking HERE and be sure to check out her store HERE... {you'll def want to be one of her groupies like me}
Hope y'all had a great Saturday...

Oh I love it. And I love you Miss Stacy!