I hope that y'all had a super fab Thanksgiving and that if you stayed awake all night getting ready for Black Friday shopping... that you have made it back home safely. I'm more of a buy it on Amazon and have it shipped to the front door kinda girl. I am also busy adding stuff to my wishlist on Teachers Pay Teachers because the Cyber Monday sale is almost here! Have you heard about this yet? I am so excited!!! It will last for 2 days (December 2nd and 3rd). Most shops will be discounted up to 28% off... WINNING!
I have many Christmas packs that I have been eyeing... and a TON of clipart that I
I have been enjoying this week off... maybe a little more than I should. I could really rock this stay at home thing {just sayin'}. The laundry is caught up, I have time to read, dinner has been made, etc! I have brewed a pot of coffee each morning and it is so stinkin' calming.... much different than my sprint out the door at 630am thing I normally have going on! I'm so excited that you're here and I hope you enjoy the FB hop... before you go... be sure to enter below for my Starbucks gift card giveaway...
a Rafflecopter giveaway OHHHHH... and don't forget to check back soon for the December Currently {I get to sponsor this month and I am so very ecstatic!}...
Talk to y'all soon!

15 days! Thank you for the giveaway!
ReplyDelete15 school days + weekends!
My Second Sense
14 school days
ReplyDelete14 1/2 plus our Christmas program on the evening of the 1/2 (last) day. At least it's not on Christmas Eve (for the first time in many, many years)! Thanks for a great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading your blog. And thanks for the great giveaway!
ReplyDelete...oops, 15 days to go.
ReplyDelete15 days!
ReplyDelete15 school days to survive once I go back on Monday! :) But who's counting??
ReplyDeleteWe have three weeks left...15 days...aahh!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway and the PC shout out!! :) I can't wait to go through the hop and see all of the wonderful things everyone has prepared! ;) I'll be stopping by to check out the December Currently so I can read all about YOU! :)
Oh...and we have three weeks left! :)
Delete15 days...but who's counting...hehehehehe!!!
ReplyDeleteHugs!!! Lisa
Growing Firsties
Just 3 weeks! 15 days and counting!
ReplyDeleteWhat break I work the day after Christmas and the day after...
ReplyDeleteWe have 14 1/2 days until Christmas Break.
ReplyDeleteWe have 15 days left until Christmas break. Counting the days!
15 days! :)
15 days I believe... I try not to count as it makes the days go by faster ;-) thanks for the chance to win !!
15 days!!! Wooohooo!!!!
ReplyDelete15 days! Thanks for the giveaway!
Rooting for Third Grade
14 school days.. or way too many!
ReplyDeleteI wasn't sure so I went and counted - 14!!!!!! Woooooo hooo...I'm so excited about that news! And thanks for a chance to win some Starbucky's...nummmy!!!!!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
14 school days! :)
ReplyDeleteT-minus 14 days until Christmas break...this Starbucks card could really help me get threw them!
14 days until Christmas Break!!! Not that I'm counting :)
ReplyDelete14 days until Christmas Break!! :)
ReplyDeleteWe have 14 more days before Christmas break (but who's counting? Ha, ha!)…It was SO hard to go back today after 4 glorious days off for Thanksgiving! I totally can relate to the sprint out the door on school mornings!!! Love me some Starbucks…so my fingers are crossed! :) Thanks for offering such a fun getaway!
ReplyDeleteHa ha…I meant to type "GIVEaway"! I have Christmas break on the brain already! ;) lori.heydt@gmail.com
Delete14 days and Florida here I come!!
ReplyDelete14 days left now until break... I love the little clipart of you!! So cute! Who made it?
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mrs. Cantwell... Melonheadz made the clipart picture of me. She has a TpT store and a blog...you can contact her from her website to see if she's taking orders right now! Hope this helps! :) ....and hope your 14 days go by super quick!
DeleteI'm on mat leave until the end of the Christmas break, so my countdown (both a happy and sad one) is at 34 days. Starbucks would be a treat for the first days back to work after a year with my boys!
ReplyDelete14 days left! :)
ReplyDelete13.5 days left! yay! And nothing I love more than a fellow teacher supporting comrades coffee habit! Unity! lol!
ReplyDelete14 days left...and one is a 2 hour early dismissal! :)
ReplyDelete16 more days!
ReplyDelete14 more days! :) Bforbes89@gmail.com
ReplyDelete14 days! suzannee.nelson@gmail.com
ReplyDelete14 days and counting!!!
13.5 as of tonight! :) pcolagal1963@gmail.com
ReplyDelete13 days and my fingers are crossed for this giveaway! cmahar1226@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteYummy! I have a serious Starbucks addiction and this would be a nice winter treat. :) Thanks!