It's Friday... and it's still summer break {for 13 more days}... I haven't blogged all week. Not sure if I've lost my bloggy mojo or if I am just enjoying the complete lack of structure! Seriously was still awake at 2am last night... all I can say is... back to school is going to bite. HARD.
Ok... so I've pinned
School Related:
Ummm, how cool is this example of teaching multiplication with colors from J&M March?!?! I teach first so I won't need this for the upcoming year, but you bet your butt I will be saving this for later!!! So excited to do this with my firsties during our Oz unit!!! It is from We Heart Art and OH MY... she has some really cool ideas for all grades!!! I think that it would make one heck of a bulletin board with student writing...
You're Secretly Funny:
It's funny, right?!?! Are you quietly singing the song, too? I saw it, pinned it, then did a little humming number, "they tried to make me go to rehab....." Seriously... every time I look at it... it's still funny! I wish I were that creative. Admit it... now you're singing that song, too! ;) {I won't tell}
Sad, but true... There is not a single plant in our entire house. Does that make me a bad person? I did grow a VERY large mushroom in my yard this week.... Ok, I didn't actually grow it... but it GREW in MY yard and that's kinda the same thing!
Who is with me? He was so stinkin' cute in Pitch Perfect... I saw this pin... and knew it had to be mine! Also.... I can't wait for the new Hunger Games to be released on the big screen!!! The end.
I'm Gonna Need Some of That:
How cool is this bag? It's from Better Life Bags... and the company is all about empowering women. I read their story and was inspired. This is going to be heading to my house very soon! I love when my money can buy things that help people!!! Win-win!
I can't explain exactly why... I just want one. Badly. I have tried dropping hints to the hubby... but either I'm too subtle... or he's just selectively listening.... could be either I suppose! This one could'be been in the funny section. I would PUFFY heart to have a living room like this. But... let's be REAL! I have 2 boys... and the idea of releasing them into a primarily white and beige living room would be like a scene out of Jurrasic Park. Oh... and 2 boxers... and 1 husband. Just so you know... I picked out brown furniture. I think I may have asked for dirt colored furniture at Rooms To Go... it's all about camouflaging the dirt right?
Worth a Thought:
Both gave me much to think about this week. Both really made a lot of sense. I love quotes... and I love having time to reflect... 13 more days... then all the reflection will stop... bwahaha!
Hope you will have a great weekend!!! If you aren't following me on Pinterest yet... you are missing out! You can find me by clicking HERE! Talk to y'all soon... oh, and one more.. this one was my absolute FAV pin of the entire week...